
New Rule on Independent Contractor Classification Will Have Profound Impact on Businesses Insights Holland & Knight

who regulates independent contractor vs employee

Then they can use Form 8919, Uncollected Social Security and Medicare Tax on WagesPDF to figure and report their share of uncollected social security and Medicare taxes due on their compensation. This final rule is expected to increase clarity concerning whether a worker is classified as an employee or as an independent contractor under the FLSA. This would reduce the burden faced by employers, potential employers, and workers in understanding the distinction and how the working relationship should be classified. It is unclear exactly how much time would be saved, but the Department provides some quantitative estimates to provide a sense of the magnitude. The Pennsylvania Department of Labor & Industry (PA L&I) commented that the Department underestimated the cost of the rule by failing to include businesses that are newly incentivized to consider reclassifying workers to independent contractors.

who regulates independent contractor vs employee

The Supreme Court has said and the Department agrees that this is a totality of the circumstances analysis, based on the facts. As previously mentioned, independent contractors generally enjoy a higher level of freedom in terms of working hours, work methods, and many other aspects of work. Suppose a worker receives relatively extensive evaluations of work performance, independent contractor vs employee high degrees of instruction, and significant amounts of training. In that case, the IRS generally assumes a worker to be an employee rather than an independent contractor. An employee is an individual who “works under the supervision or control of an employer,” and the employer-employee relationship is usually established by an employment contract.

The three sets of tests to determine status

As stated above, even without the new rule any firm that does not currently engage any independent contractors but chooses to do so in the future would have already had to familiarize itself in the baseline case, so this rule does not impact those firms. Such a situation would result in net benefits to the employer that more than fully compensate for any familiarization costs. Notably, and for comparability in estimates, the Department does not add these potential firms to the Benefits section either. Under the economic reality test, an employee typically cannot possess the “same job” as an independent contractor. Rather, for the worker to be classified as an independent contractor, the worker must, on the whole, possess the characteristics of an independent contractor, which often include meaningful control over the work or meaningful opportunity for profit.

The Department therefore believes that it is appropriate to focus the economic reality test on the two core factors that are more probative to the test’s ultimate inquiry. Such focus appropriately guides how factors should be balanced, while retaining flexibility in the test. Additional factors may be considered as well if they are relevant to whether the worker is in business for themself or is economically dependent on the employer for work. There are certain facts, however, that are not relevant to whether an employment relationship exists. What the worker is called is not relevant—a worker may be an employee under the FLSA regardless of the title or label they are given.

J. Amendments to Existing Regulatory Provisions at §§ 780.330(b) and 788.16(a)

They may be hard skills directly linked to a position (i.e. knowledge of programming languages), or be more generic soft skills, such as strong communication. Once an employer is caught in an investigation by any one of the three government agencies—usually for not paying overtime—they can expect to be investigated by other agencies, possibly state and local government agencies, too. The U.S. Department of Labor, for example, has a work-sharing agreement with the Florida Department of Revenue.

If a person is on an employer’s payroll and receives a steady paycheck, clearly that the person is an employee rather than an independent contractor. When a worker is classified as an employee, the employer must withhold income taxes as well as Social Security and Medicare (FICA) taxes from the employee’s paycheck. The worker and the employer each contribute 7.65% of the worker’s pay to pay the FICA taxes. When a worker is classified as an independent contractor, the worker is responsible for remitting income tax and for the entire 15.3% FICA tax. Worker misclassification can affect workers’ rights to minimum wage and overtime pay and can have tax and withholding consequences. As this is a remarkably fluid area of law, changes in the legal distinctions between “employees” and “independent contractors” are likely to continue.


The undersigned hereby certifies that the proposed rule would not adversely affect the well-being of families, as discussed under section 654 of the Treasury and General Government Appropriations Act, 1999. For purposes of the UMRA, this rule includes a Federal mandate that is expected to result in increased expenditures by the private sector of more than $156 million in at least one year, but will not result in increased expenditures by state, local, and tribal governments, in the aggregate, of $156 million or more in any one year. Legal Templates LLC is not a lawyer, or a law firm and does not engage in the practice of law. All information, software and services provided on the site are for informational purposes and self-help only and are not intended to be a substitute for a lawyer or professional legal advice. is owned and operated by Resume Technologies Limited, London with offices in London United Kingdom.

who regulates independent contractor vs employee

As such, any worker selecting between jobs is likely to consider the flexibility of work schedules, the compensation package, fringe benefits, and a host of non-pecuniary compensation factors when deciding both whether to work at a particular company and how many hours to spend working at that company. Second, the fact that some employees have flexibility does not imply that those employees do not value the flexibility or that greater flexibility is not something employees would trade for lower compensation. Third, in many jobs, employee flexibility is necessarily limited because the business requires a certain number of employees working together to accomplish a task, and so granting significant flexibility to employees would result in less productivity for the business which would likely result in lower compensation for the workers. Fourth, some employers do offer employees flexibility, but often that flexibility comes at a cost to the workers (of note, payroll employees generally have less control over their own schedules than similarly-situated independent contractors).

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