
Sharpe Ratio vs Treynor Ratio: What’s the Difference?

what is the treynor ratio

By demonstrating some Treynor ratio examples, we aim to instill you with the concept. Again, we find that the best portfolio is not necessarily the portfolio with the highest return. Instead, a superior portfolio has the superior risk-adjusted return or, in this case, the fund headed by manager X. The Equity Portfolio’s total return is 7%, and the Fixed Income Portfolio’s total return is 5%. As a proxy for the risk-free rate, we use the return on U.S Treasury Bills – 2%. Assume that the Beta of the Equity Portfolio is 1.25, and the Fixed Income Portfolio’s Beta is 0.7.

what is the treynor ratio

Start with a free account to explore 20+ always-free courses and hundreds of finance templates and cheat sheets. Hence, on a risk-adjusted basis, the stock portfolio performed better. Moreover, the accuracy of TR depends on whether one applies an appropriate index in its calculation. If one were to use the Nifty 50 to determine the TR of a portfolio consisting mainly of small and mid-cap stocks, then it would not work. I will explain the Treynor Ratio of the fund with a risk-free rate of 0.16%.

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Developed by American economist Jack Treynor, the Treynor Ratio is a way to measure how well a portfolio rewarded investors for the amount of risk it took on, over a certain time period. The main disadvantage of the Treynor broker liteforex ratio is that it is backward-looking and that it relies on using a specific benchmark to measure beta. Most investments, though, don’t necessarily perform the same way in the future that they did in the past.

what is the treynor ratio

A higher Treynor ratio should result in greater expected risk-adjusted returns — all else being equal. Thus, like any other metric, investors should use TR along with other ratios to develop a better understanding. An example would better illustrate how investors can use TR to make investment decisions. In this article, I will cover the Sharpe ratio indicator and if it’s something you can use to track your trading performance. While this ratio is often used for institutions, you can also use it to… Pfizer plans to produce hundreds of millions of the potential COVID-19 vaccine by next year.

So, beta is a measure of systemic risk, which is the risk in a portfolio that cannot be offset by diversification within the same market. If a portfolio has a negative beta, however, the ratio result is not meaningful. A higher ratio result is more desirable and means that a given portfolio is likely a more suitable investment. Since the Treynor ratio is based on historical data, however, it’s important to note this does not necessarily indicate future performance, and one ratio should not be the only factor relied upon for investing decisions. Risk in the Treynor ratio refers to systematic risk as measured by a portfolio’s beta.

A financial professional will offer guidance based on the information provided and offer a no-obligation call to better understand your situation. Our mission is to empower readers with the most factual and reliable financial information possible to help them make informed decisions for their individual needs. Our goal is to deliver the most understandable and comprehensive explanations of financial topics using simple writing complemented by helpful graphics and animation videos. Since we now have an understanding of what the Treynor ratio is and its calculation, we can now talk about how to interpret what is a good Treynor ratio. Upgrading to a paid membership gives you access to our extensive collection of plug-and-play Templates designed to power your performance—as well as CFI’s full course catalog and accredited Certification Programs. Access and download collection of free Templates to help power your productivity and performance.

Treynor Ratio: How To Calculate it, Definition and Calculator

While the Treynor Ratio may not be for every investor, the Treynor formula could be a good option for measuring risk. In the rest of the article, I will analyze comparisons of 10 mutual funds. I will look at their financial statistics to compare the Treynor Ratios of the assets. Both formulas can effectively measure the performance of a mutual fund. The Sharpe Ratio can be applied to all portfolios that are in specific sectors.

It includes capital gains, dividends, and interest payments, and can be expressed as a percentage of the initial investment. Understanding the components of the Treynor Ratio is crucial to appreciating its significance in evaluating investment performance. The ratio incorporates the portfolio return, risk-free rate, and portfolio beta in its calculation. Total risk is equivalent to the sum of the systematic risk and the unsystematic risk.

  1. From the results above, we see that the Treynor Ratio of the Equity Portfolio is slightly higher.
  2. The risk-free rate is the return on a theoretically risk-free investment, such as a government bond.
  3. Both are named for their creators, Nobel Prize winner William Sharpe and American economist Jack Treynor, respectively.

In that equation, the Treynor ratio of the Vanguard Health Care Fund is 0.16. “We are collecting data as we speak in real time so we know, we are monitoring the safety of the doses,” said Bourla. In its analysis, Goldman Sachs noted that Microsoft can ”provide full virtual-desktop coverage limefx (AWS WorkSpaces), and other work-from-home and business continuity needs. “Our partner checks continue to reflect the relative strength in the AWS platform, as incremental demand from customers to accelerate their migration into the cloud,” said Goldman Sachs in a statement.

The result is divided by the investment’s return’s standard deviation. It’s applied to an investment’s annual rate of return to calculate risk. Conversely, the Treynor and Sharpe ratios examine average returns for the total period under consideration for all variables in the formula (the portfolio, market, and risk-free asset). Similar to the Treynor measure, however, Jensen’s alpha calculates risk premiums in terms of beta (systematic, undiversifiable risk) and, therefore, assumes the portfolio is already adequately diversified.

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It is also called the reward-to-volatility ratio since it betrays how much an investor is rewarded for the systematic risk undertaken. However, the ratio can be used to compare two separate portfolios in different asset classes, such as a portfolio of stocks and a portfolio of commodities. In this case, each portfolio’s beta is computed by comparing its returns to its market index, and the Treynor Ratio (which is the excess return per unit risk) of both portfolios can then be compared.

By measuring the excess returns of a portfolio per unit systemic risk taken, the Treynor Ratio is a measurement of efficiency, utilizing the relationship between risk and returns. Therefore, the portfolio of mutual funds generated a risk-adjusted return of 0.180 per unit of systematic risk. Let us take the example of a mutual fund portfolio to illustrate the Treynor ratio concept. During the last year, the portfolio generated a rate of 6.6%, while the government treasury bills generated a return of 3.0% during the same period. First, calculate the Treynor ratio of the portfolio if its systematic risk is 0.20. Because this measure only uses systematic risk, it assumes that the investor already has an adequately diversified portfolio and, therefore, unsystematic risk (also known as diversifiable risk) is not considered.

We may earn a commission when you click on a link or make a purchase through the links on our site. All of our content is based on objective analysis, and the opinions are our own. Enhancements to the Treynor Ratio include the Modified Treynor Ratio, the Treynor-Black Model, and the incorporation of alternative risk measures like Value-at-Risk (VaR) and Conditional Value-at-Risk (CVaR). These enhancements include the Modified Treynor Ratio, the Treynor-Black Model, and the incorporation of alternative risk measures. Over 1.8 million professionals use CFI to learn accounting, financial analysis, modeling and more.

“So, when we talk about the beta of a stock, that comes out of that framework. When we do discounted cash flow analysis, we’re using some kind of cost of capital. CAPM is the tool we use to calculate that cost of capital,” added Lo. As mentioned earlier, the Treynor Ratio assumes that unsystematic risk has been eliminated through diversification. We have prepared this article to help you understand what Treynor ratio is and how to calculate it using the Treynor ratio formula.

Although we can rank the Treynor ratios, as the higher Treynor ratios are generally better, we cannot say that a Treynor ratio of 5 is 2 times better than a Treynor ratio of 2.5. Some of the most popular methods are the Sharpe, Jensen, and Treynor ratios. Investments that can produce higher returns with less risk or the same amount of risk as other investments are generally considered more attractive.

This measure gauges the returns from a collection of securities’ above a risk-free rate, adjusted by the beta value. “Then I look at the Treynor ratio to see how much return am I getting per unit of risk. The Treynor Ratio can be compared and contrasted just2trade forex with metrics such as the Sharpe Ratio, Jensen’s Alpha, and Sortino Ratio to provide a more holistic understanding of an investment’s performance. There are several performance metrics available to investors, each with its unique focus and approach.

Beta measures the tendency of a portfolio’s return to change in response to changes in return for the overall market. Investors can compare different funds to determine which would be ideal for their risk appetite as well as the one that provides reasonable returns at a particular level of risk. That’s why the Treynor ratio in mutual fund and ETF analysis is widely prevalent. Hence, if one were to invest in XYZ mutual fund, their compensation or reward for assuming one unit of risk would be Rs.9.23. Beta denotes the degree of change in returns a fund exhibits in response to market volatility.

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